Our dental cleanings and exams go beyond just maintaining your oral health; they are an essential part of your overall well-being. When you step into our office, you will be greeted by our friendly team. Our skilled dental hygienists will gently and meticulously clean your teeth, removing plaque, tartar and stains, leaving your smile refreshed and revitalized. Then you will have an in-depth oral examination with our family dentist, Dr. Cristina Anderson.
Our comprehensive dental exams are designed to detect any potential oral health issues before they become problematic. Dr. Anderson will conduct a thorough examination to check for cavities, gum disease or other problems. In addition, a yearly oral cancer screening is provided to ensure a complete evaluation. We believe in prevention, and early detection is the best defense against tooth decay and overall health problems. We will also take the time to listen to your concerns, answer your questions and provide personalized recommendations for your oral care routine.
Contact our dental office at 956-542-2000 to schedule your regular dental cleaning and exam in Brownsville, Texas. Our dentist and team recommend you come visit us every six months to ensure the maintenance of your healthy smile, so that any problems can be addressed before they become more serious. We want the best for you and your smile.